
Was the lesson of the Holocaust learned? Following a list of articles, some by Holocaust survivors, address this issue and other issues relating to humanity’s attitude towards those who are at its mercy: nonhuman animals.

Animals, My Brethren \  Edgar Kupfer-Koberwitz

Animals, My Brethren \ Edgar Kupfer-Koberwitz

The following pages were written in the Concentration Camp Dachau, in the midst of all kinds of cruelties. They were furtively scrawled in a hospital barrack where I stayed during my illness, in a time when Death grasped day by day after us,...
The Lesson Has Not Been Learned / Alexandra M.

The Lesson Has Not Been Learned / Alexandra M.

I was there, in Poland of that War: a Semitic looking little girl, hidden in cellars. My parents - and most of my extensive family - were murdered. At the heart of civilization, neighbors, friends, teachers, parents and their children, were...
The Power Of One \ Susan Kalev

The Power Of One \ Susan Kalev

The story of how i got to be a vegetarian and an animal rights activist is the story of my personal journey for the last 30 years. My natural interest in holistic healing stirred me in the direction of a healthier lifestyle and a vegetarian...
The book Eternal Treblinka - Foreword

The book Eternal Treblinka - Foreword

In Eternal Treblinka , not only are we shown the common roots of Nazi genocide and modern society's enslavement and slaughter of non-human animals in unprecedented detail, but for the first time we are presented with extensive evidence of...
A Tale of Two Holocausts / Karen Davis, PhD

A Tale of Two Holocausts / Karen Davis, PhD

Abstract An understandable resentment can come from the sense that the uniqueness of one’s own group’s experience with suffering is appropriated to fit the experience of another group. One group’s experience with suffering is unique, but n...

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